Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Tis the season to be... slightly morbid

Veronica has been working hard at the craft table. asking us how to spell things in spite of her inability to write most letters and writing furiously. Finally finished with her project she proudly staples the final product (as all things have to be stapled lately) and presents it to Suzy.

Veronica: Here Suzy, this is a book for you. It's so you can remember me when I'm dead.
Suzy: You can keep it.
Veronica: But it's about us. so you can remember me when I'm dead.
Suzy: I'll always remember you Veronica.
Veronica: Even all the stuff that we did? (great suspicion in her voice)
Suzy: Yes! (so exasperated that her sister would doubt her)
Veronica: But I made the book!
Momma can't take it anymore: Can I have the book?
Veronica: Yes! It's all about me. Read it to me Mom.

Sunday, December 01, 2013

Just one parent please

it's a love/struggle time here in the Becksfort house tonight. Suzy and Veronica emerge from their room 30 minutes after being put to bed. This is the ensuing conversation:

Mom: Hey, what are you guys doing out here?
Suzy: Um, I just need to talk to one of you.
Veronica: I need to talk to BOTH of you.
Mom: You need to tell me why you are out here and not in bed.
Veronica: Because Suzy wanted to get out of bed and come sleep out here (gesturing to the living room)
Suzy: NO! I wanted to know if i could go lay in your bed till Veronica falls asleep.
Suzy: yes, you will.
Veronica: No, and you cannot leave because I can not sleep by myself.
Mike: Yes, Suzy go lay on our bed. Veronica go back to your bed.
Veronica: But I can not ever sleep! (cue fake crying)

These two are in a love/bicker/love/giggle/chase/bossy/love/bicker cycle lately. It doesn't help that Veronica took a nap today. I probably does feel like she will never sleep tonight.