Friday, May 05, 2006

The seats don't fit

Ok, so since I'm due in about 2 1/2 weeks, I guess it's time to start getting the house ready for Suzy to arrive. God bless those good parents who read their kids books about being big sisters and talk them through the whole process, our kids are just going to get their sister dropped in their laps. It occurred to us the other day that perhaps we had not prepped them enough when Jilli was talking about visiting Suzy at her house when she comes out. The look on her face was quite thoughtful when we explained that Suzy was going to live with us. Oops, and just when you feel like you're getting the hang of this parenting thing. So we decided it's time to put up the bassinett and get Suzy's car seat into the Jeep and all those little details that say "Hey, these people are going to have a baby soon!" vs the current "Hey, these people have had a tornado go through their house". This would be the time that our big carseat plan fell apart. Even my husband, whom we all know would knock the world off its axis for his pregnant wife should she request it, could not cram all three carseats into the back of the Jeep. Fortuneately they fit in the car, but I don't really fit in the car at this point, so I guess the girls will have a crash course in not probing the baby while mama drives after Suzy comes out and we can all fit in the car.

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